The Bomb in the Shadows: Proliferation, Corruption and the Way of the World

Written by Chris Floyd   
Tuesday, 08 January 2008

This week, the Sunday Times lifted the lid on one of the most important stories of the last quarter-century: how American officials sold nuclear arms technology to illegal proliferators — including ideological allies of al Qaeda — in return for bribes and other inducements. This widespread corruption has been protected from exposure by the highest levels of the U.S. government, which has gone to enormous lengths to protect the truth from coming out. The entire planet has been put at grave risk by the greed — and geopolitical gamesmanship — that lies behind this criminal enterprise, which actually is even more extensive, and goes back further in time, than the newspaper’s remarkable revelations.

The Sunday Times story is based on the evidence provided by former FBI translator Sibel Edmonds, who has been subjected to an unprecedented campaign of state-enforced muzzling by the Bush Administration since she first tried to speak out about the corrupt connections between American officials and foreign agents she discovered when reviewing transcripts associated with the 9/11 investigation. As even the leaders of the whitewashing 9/11 Commission themselves now admit, that investigation was deliberately sabotaged by the Bush Administration – in part to cover up the nuclear proliferation network that has directly or indirectly enriched so many in the American elite over the past decades – including the sitting president of the United States, George W. Bush.

Edmonds’ revelations should be seen in their larger historical context, as an outgrowth of the activities of BCCI, the “Bank of Credit and Commercial International,” a supposed financial group that a U.S. Senate investigation called “one of the largest criminal enterprises in history.” BCCI was a prime vehicle for clandestine nuclear proliferation, among many other illegal activities, and was also used by the CIA and the White House for various covert operations, including secret military and financial support for Saddam Hussein. It also paid numerous grandees of the Democratic and Republican parties to front its operations – and gave George W. Bush $25 million to rescue one of his many business failures.

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Sibel Speaks Part II: Naming Names…

As per compiled by Larisa Alexandrovna on her personal blog

I have decided that after years of not getting anyone to publish what I have found out about the Edmonds case, I am simply going to give you folks some names. I won’t explain what the allegations are, or how these people might fit together or even if they fit together. I also don’t claim to have all the names or know the full story by any means.  But I am certain, that brilliant bloggers, researchers, and journalists will finally figure it out:

UPDATE: I have made some changes to the list. I have removed Lantos, despite what I have heard being confirmed by Sibel’s gallery of people. I have added Kissinger too.

I have also added some extra points of information for some of the players some of the players (I will fill out the rest as time permits). And, I have added some names to the “phrases group.”

Richard Perle: Chairman of the Defense Policy Board Advisory Committee, under Bush. Member of JINSA, WINEP, PNAC, Co-Chair and Director of Hollinger (think Conrad Black). See also Hutchison Whampoa. See also Trireme Partners LLP.

Doug Feith: Defense Undersecretary of Defense for Policy during the Bush administration’s first term. Lost his security clearances in 1982 for allegations of passing classified NSC documents to the Israeli embassy. Headed the Office of Special Plans (OSP) to cook up intel for the Iraq war. Founded Feith & Zell law firm, major client Northrup Grumman. Also started a lobbying company,  International Advisors, Inc., major client, Turkey. Perle joined him in this venture.

Eric Edelman
Marc Grossman
Larry Franklin 
Dennis Hastert
Roy Blunt
Dan Burton
Bob Livingston
Stephen Solarz
Graham Fuller
David Makovsky
Alan Markovsky
Enver Yusuf
Sabri Sayari
Mehmet Eymur
Henry Kissinger (He is not shown in Sibel’s gallery, but I believe him to be on of the MIA photos)

And a few phrases for you folks to play around with (in no particular order):

Gray Wolves
Shanghai Cooperation Organization
RAND Corporation
East Turkmenistan
Foreign Policy
King Faisal
Northrup Grumman
American Turkish Council

Now start digging kids!!

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For sale: West’s deadly nuclear secrets

Finally Sibel Edmunds goes public. You go girl, go.
Read the paragraphs were she states that in order to keep 9/11 events under wraps they had to et some detainaees out tof the country.

A WHISTLEBLOWER has made a series of extraordinary claims about how corrupt government officials allowed Pakistan and other states to steal nuclear weapons secrets.

Sibel Edmonds, a 37-year-old former Turkish language translator for the FBI, listened into hundreds of sensitive intercepted conversations while based at the agency’s Washington field office.

She approached The Sunday Times last month after reading about an Al-Qaeda terrorist who had revealed his role in training some of the 9/11 hijackers while he was in Turkey.

Edmonds described how foreign intelligence agents had enlisted the support of US officials to acquire a network of moles in sensitive military and nuclear institutions.

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