I love “the google” (George W. Bush showing his prowess on the Internet).
Combine the words Blackwater and PR and you get 43,000 hits within half a second.
It seems that they are represented by Burson-Marsteller. When you google that you find some interesting stuff. like how they represented big tobacco, Nicolae Ceaucescu, Exxon, Union Carbide to name a few. The Blackwater account apparently is handled by a man called Robert Tappan who is a former state official, working in the Public relations department.

Read this:

By: Carmelo Ruiz

The public relations (PR) business is one of the fastest growing industries in the global market economy. In order to face perils like labor unions, organized consumer activists and environmental groups, governments and corporations have come to rely more on slick PR campaigns. The peril to popular democracy posed by PR firms should not be underestimated. Using the latest communications technologies and polling techniques, as well as an array of high-level political connections, PR flacks routinely “manage” issues for government and corporate clients and “package” them for public consumption. The result is a “democracy” in which citizens are turned into passive receptacles of “disinfotainment” and “advertorials” and in which critics of the status quo are defined as ignorant meddlers and/or dangerous outsiders.

Burson-Marsteller (B-M) is the world’s largest PR firm, with 63 offices in 32 countries and almost $200 million in income in 1994. Although its name is unknown to most people– even to many in activist circles– B-M is fast becoming an increasingly important cog in the propaganda machine of the new world order.

Human Rights, Anyone?

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