America’s Armageddonites

Some interesting tidbits you might want to know.

Gary Bauer, former presidential candidate, Jerry Falwell, and Pat Robertson are  or were in the case of Jerry Falwell, all members of the very secretive and ultra right wing Council for National policies. The organization was heavily financed by the Prince family. Yep, the one of Erik Prince fame.
Gary Bauer helped start up the PNAC project in 1997, the same year that Erik Prince’s Blackwater USA became operational. 

Additionally Erik Prince interned under Gary Bauer  when he was 18 with the Family Research council  before interring in the white house under the first Bush.
The secretary of defence at the time was Dick Cheney. It was at this time that Dick Cheney authorised Halliburton to come up with a way to privatise the army. After his tenure as SOD he went to work for Halliburton.

Utopian fantasies have long transfixed the human race. Yet today a much rarer fantasy has become popular in the United States. Millions of Americans, the richest people in history, have a death wish. They are the new “Armageddonites,” fundamentalist evangelicals who have moved from forecasting Armageddon to actually trying to bring it about.

Most journalists find it difficult to take seriously that tens of millions of Americans, filled with fantasies of revenge and empowerment, long to leave a world they despise. These Armageddonites believe that they alone will get a quick, free pass when they are “raptured” to paradise, no good deeds necessary, not even a day of judgment. Ironically, they share this utopian fantasy with a group that they often castigate, namely fundamentalist Muslims who believe that dying in battle also means direct access to Heaven. For the Armageddonites, however, there are no waiting virgins, but they do agree with Muslims that there will be “no booze, no bars,” in the words of a popular Gaither Singers song.

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Watch this very scary video about Zionist Christians by Bill Moyers

Find it here

Another misterious connection between Bush and Erik Prince

The private security firm Blackwater USA, which has faced mounting criticism following an incident earlier this month in which armed guards from the group purportedly killed 11 unarmed Iraqi civilians, has numerous links to the White House as well as many current and former Republicans.The connections include the firm’s chief operating officer Joseph Schmitz, who was tapped by President Bush in 2002 to “oversee and police the Pentagon’s military contracts as the Defense Department’s Inspector General.”

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Oh, And He Is;”Not A Financially Driven Guy”

Come to think of it he probably isn’t. He just likes to kill and maim and the only way to do that legally is to rent himself and his boys out to the government.

According to Jeremy Scahills exellent book about Blackwater USA, he acctually has partaken in some military actions in Afghanistan.
He is a trained marine who has seen action in former Yoegoslavia and only quit the army when his father died and his wife was ill with cancer. Handy to have a billion or so lying around to build a private army with. Also very handy to know Cheney from his internship in the Whitehouse in 1992 accidently the same time Cheney asked Halliburton to research the possibility of privatizong the army.
Maybe he can’t kill anymore but he can sure let his boys do it for him. Also it probably helps to have converted back to Catholisism after all he’s fighting the Moslem infidels and GOD is on his side.

Blackwater incident witness: ‘It was hell’

BAGHDAD, Iraq (CNN) — An Iraqi police officer who was directing traffic at Baghdad’s Nusoor Square on September 16 said Blackwater guards “became the terrorists” that Sunday afternoon when they opened fire on civilians, an incident the Iraqi government said was unprovoked.

An Iraqi man rides through Baghdad’s Nusoor Square a few days after the Blackwater incident there.

A 37-year-old Baghdad businessman and a father of four, whose youngest son was killed by a Blackwater bullet, said he wanted no monetary compensation but only for the guards to “admit to the truth.”

The police officer and businessman on Monday gave CNN vivid descriptions of the incident in which a senior Iraqi investigator said 17 people were killed and 24 wounded

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America’s hired guns in Iraq have been called ‘the coalition of the billing’, but Blackwater mercenaries are accused of more than just taking the money.
Investigations Editor Neil Mackay examines the links between the security firm and the US political elite

EVEN FOR Blackwater, it was an atrocity too far. If an Iraqi government report is to be believed, Blackwater, a US mercenary company which is unofficially the world’s largest “for hire” private army, indiscriminately and without provocation opened fire earlier this month on civilians in a Baghdad street, killing at least 20 people.

Iraq immediately revoked the firm’s licence to operate in the country and moved to expel its staff and prosecute those responsible for the shootings, but Blackwater’s activities have since resumed.

This coincides with the release of a US Embassy report on the September 16 shooting, obtained by the Washington Post and described by a State Department official as a “first blush” account. It details the events, as given by Blackwater guards, and has stirred controversy in Iraq and Washington and prompted an inquiry into the role of Blackwater and other private security firms in Iraq.

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Blackwater earns more than 1 Billion since 2000.
And this is what can be traced.
Blackwater  became operational the same year (1997) PNAC wrote their infamous; Rebuilding America’s defences.
According to Al Clark who started Blackwater with Erik Prince the company hit the ground running, with al kinds of CIA and other contracts. Erik Prince by the way was an intern in the White house when Cheney was secretary of defence under Daddy Bush. (1992) This was the period before Cheney became a CEO for Haliburton and it was in this period that he asked Haliburton to research the privatization of the military. Erik Prince was the son of one of the republican party’s wealthiest supporters and Erik didn’t like all the things he saw at the white house. Inviting Gays and all these environmental laws and stuff like that. At the time Cheney and Rumsfeld and their Neocon cronies were regarded as the “Crazies”. (Sources Jeremy Scahill and col. Bowman)  

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Gates unhappy with contractor oversight

By ROBERT BURNS, AP Military Writer
WASHINGTON – Defense Secretary Robert Gates outlined for the first time Wednesday his concerns about oversight of private contractors in Iraq, telling Congress that he sent a fact-finding team to Baghdad and reminded U.S. commanders they have the authority to discipline private workers.

Gates also said he was troubled by security contractors’ practice of luring soldiers out of uniform by offering them higher salaries. He said he was looking for ways to put legal limits on that practice.

In remarks to the Senate Appropriations Committee, Gates said he understood the reason for having 137,000 private contractors in Iraq – their presence allows U.S. troops to focus on combat while simpler tasks like providing food and laundry services and guarding fixed sites are done by private hires.

“But we clearly have to have proper oversight procedures and oversight activities in place to make sure they’re doing what they’re supposed to,” he said, adding: “My concern is whether there has been sufficient accountability and oversight.”

Gates appeared before the committee to spell out the administration’s request for nearly $190 billion in new funding for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. But the discussion quickly turned to the issue of private security contractors in Iraq, some of whom have been accused of rogue behavior.

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Nazi photo’s and Bush’s religion a striking similarity

I found this via vets 911 truth.

compiled by Jim Walker
created: 20 May 1998
additions: 13 May 2006

The following photos provide a pictorial glimpse of Hitler, how his Nazis mixed religion with government, and the support for Hitler by the Protestant and Catholic Churches in Germany. In, no way, does this gallery of photos intend to support Nazism or anti-Semitism, but instead, intends to warn against them.

(TV Photo from History Channel’s
“Hitler’s Lost Plan,” aired 18 April 2005)
(Photo source: The Hitler No One Knows: 100 Pictures
of the Life of the Führer, by Heinrich Hoffmann)
Hitler With Whip (acting like ‘Jesus’)

Hitler’s close friend, Dietrich Eckart, told of overhearing Hitler showing off to a lady by denouncing Berlin in extravagant terms: “. . . the luxury, the perversion, the iniquity, the wanton display and the Jewish materialism disgusted me so thoroughly that I was almost beside myself. I nearly imagined myself to be Jesus Christ when he came to his Father’s Temple and found the money changers.” Eckart described Hitler as “brandishing his whip and exclaimed that it was his mission to descend upon the capital like a Christ and scourge the corrupt.”

And found in the temple those that sold oxen and sheep and doves, and the changers of money sitting: And when he had made a scourge of small cords, he drove them all out of the temple, and the sheep, and the oxen; and poured out the changers’ money, and overthrew the tables.
–John 2:14-15
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I also wish to emphasize that I reject anti-Semitism and all forms of Fashism or Totalitarianism.